From September 25th to 28th 2018 the collaborative research center SFB1214 organizes an international symposium with the topic Anisotropic Particles: Tayloring Shape, Interactions and Structures.
The 4-day symposium will be held at the University of Konstanz, located just outside of the city. Oral presentations and postersessions give stage to a variaty of discussions.
The following speakers confirmed their attendance:
Matthias Ballauff Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin Germany
Joachim Bill University of Stuttgart Germany
Seth Fraden Brandeis University USA
Juan M.Garcia Ruiz CSIC-University of Granada Spain
Armin Kleibert Paul Scherrer Institut Switzerland
Ian Manners University of Bristol UK
Valeria Molinero University of Utah USA
David Pine New York University USA
Tanja Schilling University of Freiburg Germany
Matthias Schmidt University of Bayreuth Germany
Gerold Schneider Hamburg University of Technology Germany
Peter Schurtenberger Lund University Sweden
Andreas Walther University of Freiburg Germany
Younan Xia Georgia Institute of Technology USA
Shu Hong Yu Univ. of Science and Tech. of China China
The symposium gives chance to present and discuss the latest results in research of anisotropic particles. Besides a multitude of oral presentations there are also two poster sessions, offering potential to present results in individual discussions.
Proposals for contributed talks and posters are welcome. Especially early career scientists are encouraged to apply.
Besides the scientific program there are offers for joint meals, coffee breaks as well as the opportunity to learn more about the city of Konstanz.
The registration fee includes snacks during coffee breaks, lunch (2 times), a dinner and the conference dinner.